Tuesday, March 08, 2005

caught off guard

nothing ever prepares you for rotten situations in your life.

no matter how strong or courageous you are -- or even if you've long expected it -- when it finally happens, IT JUST HITS YOU. point blank.

and you are left staring at the big picture. dumbfounded.

BUT...i am not talking about me. although it may have happened to me at some point.

this is about a friend.

kenzo is caught in a very tight spot. he was initially worried about telling me his problem for fear that i may be greatly affected. and for someone like me who is routinely depressed (yes, it's almost like a routine), hearing stories of misery may be hazardous to my emotional state.

and so his story was told. was i affected? yes. but that's because i empathized with him. and learning about someone else's misery keeps you somehow...hmmm...normal? it reminds you that you are not the only person on this planet carrying a big cross. when someone unloads his problems to you -- weird as it may sound -- it makes you feel better. it makes your own problems seem small. and that is a very very good distraction for you.

and that's exactly what happened to me.

i pray that kenzo will be guided.


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