Sunday, August 15, 2004


i don't know what's worse: the fact that you never came close to how i feel about you; or the painful reality that i will always be your second best.

you have reinforced my inherent trust towards people like you. i blame you for making me shun my belief in the true meaning of the word "sorry". i cringe whenever you utter that word to me. saying sorry habitually to the same person makes the act of apology insincere. the manner you say 'sorry' is as casual as you say 'hi'.

they say that actions speak louder than words. you suck at both.

you never heard me speak this way to you. that's because i've always been enchanted with you.

until now.

yeah, you probably think i'm stupid. I'M NOT. it's just that i have a foolish heart.

i realized that i have a choice. and that it's not too late to pick the right one.

i guess somehow i've learned something from all this: i don't have to settle. it's only now that i've fully understood what people mean when they tell me "you deserve the best". obviously, you're not the best one out there.

i loathe every inch you. at oo, gusto kitang sampalin! potah.

i wasn't able to make it to bloggers night. don't ask why. baka sumama rin loob nyo sa taong yun. tama na yung ako lang ang galit sa knya.

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