Wednesday, June 09, 2004

when seizing the moment means everything to you

while the rest of the world is getting a glimpse of the whole picture, i pay attention to the tiniest details.

little unnoticed details that you just let slip through the cracks.

i don't.

i like rewinding episodes of my life on my mind. over and over again. i would've probably enjoyed it if i had a JARJAR TV (think ED TV). everything is recorded and every moment is captured.

i know sometimes you find it strange that i stare at you. i do this only because i am certain that getting this opportunity is rare. very rare. it's not only time that is borrowed here.

but i was prepared for this. and returning what was borrowed finally took place.

now all that's left with me are vivid images that i keep replaying on my mind. images like the way you wrinkle your nose; the way you bite your lower lip and wink at the same time; how you let your eyebrows meet when something puzzles you; the easy mood in the way you walk and carry yourself. all these. and more. brief that you barely notice them.

the universe is in a rush, and i'm here -- wanting to put everything in slow motion so that i could see them all. freeze. frame. savor.

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