Saturday, November 22, 2003

all relationships are INTERaction

...i am one part...he is one part...and so on...

it really helps when i get to talk to close friends about what's bothering me. one of them reminded me that things are bound to be like this simply because we're family.

i can all try to compensate for whatever affection my brother misses from my dad... but in the end.. it's his perception of things that will make things right. i can only make him feel loved. he is the one who has to choose to accept it as genuine or see it as nothing.

yes, i worry about them. it's a general human emotion because i love them. but i realize that i should not let my life be dictated by the seemingly hopeless situation i am facing now.

i should stop worrying. keep my hopes up..and continue to smile.
if i cannot be happy within myself... how can i share the hope with them...?

and i quote my friend: "parang yosi yan nde mo pede i share yun sindi.. kung yun yosi mo mismo walang sindi..."

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