Monday, November 14, 2005

|| the 3 G's cycle ||

it always happens this way.

you feel depressed, you feel utterly sorry for yourself. all the world's miseries are on your shoulders. you attract all negative energies and you start whining.

then you see another person with a much more terrible state you're in.

suddenly, you feel ashamed of yourself. this line would come out of your mouth, "hey, i'm doing fine after all!"

in a twisted sense, seeing others who are doing worse than you actually helps you. it's a grief-then-guilt-then-gratitude process .

i usually feel this way. and most people i know feel this way.

until i came across this person who reacts quite differently. he looks at things the other way.

we were all telling him how wonderful his life is and how he is in a much better position than most people -- because he really is.

he keeps on shaking his head. he just wants to continue sulking and be left alone. the universe can be at its most oppressive state and he would still sit in his own little world minding his own sorrows.

well, to each his own right? the way he handles depression is not my business, really. he likes to feel that way. then let him be.

maybe i am just amazed at how differently he thinks and feels that the rest of us. no amount of other people's tragedies would affect him. his is a grief-then-gripe-then-grief-again kind of cycle.

if the grief-then-guilt-then-gratitude cycle doesn't work for him, then i don't know what will.

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